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Coaching, bewerbung, bewerbungsunterlagen

Life & Career Coaching / Facereading

Free-Up stands for liberty, authenticity, and ease. Successfully mastering changes. Going your own path with self-determination, self-confidence, and independence, be it in your professional or private life.

Each of us is unique, full of talents and potentials. My mission is to show you exactly these greatnesses that make you as a human being and to bring out the best in you.


Let's define your journey together and navigate through the changes that lie ahead. Be brave and walk your own path - I am by your side to support you.


My service for Coaching & Face reading

Coaching, LifeCoaching, Bewerbung, Interview, Free-Up, Christin Jäger, Augst


Coaching is helpful when you desire change but are not exactly sure how, what, or where. Gain an external perspective, benefit from years of experience and solid expertise, and let yourself be accompanied on your journey.

1 hrs.

CHF 150.-

Gesichtsanalyse, Facereading, Persönlichkeitstest, Persönlichkeit, Karriere, Bewerbung, Free-up, August, Christin Jäger

Face analysis

Facial analysis is like a fascinating personality test that reveals your inner potential. Discover your uniqueness and talents for your career, relationships, and lifestyle – they are waiting to be recognized and utilized.

CHF 390.-

1.5h Conversation+ more than 30 pages report online or on-site

Application, interview, interview training, application documents, letter of motivation, CV, free-up, August


Applying doesn't have to be difficult. You deserve to find and secure your dream job. So, let yourself be guided step by step through the application process. From job searching to application documents, the interview conversation to contract signing. Receive the tools and knowledge you need to land your dream job.

CHF 360.- / online programme

CHF 130.- / Interviewtraining

CHF 65.- / proofreading of your documents

Coaching, LifeCoaching, CareerCoaching, Gesichtsanalyse
  • Are you standing there right now, unsure of how or where your path shall continue?

  • Is your life not anymore as you want it to be, with a strong desire for change?

  • Do you wonder who or how you really are?


Then you are in the right place with me.

Dein Leben besteht aus drei grossen Bereichen: deinem privaten Umfeld (deine Familie, deine Freunde, deine Bekannten), deinem beruflichen Umfeld (das, was dich beschäftigt hält), und dir selbst als Person (deine Persönlichkeit, deine Hobbies, deine Vorlieben usw.). Damit du dich erfüllt, glücklich und zufrieden fühlst, sollten diese Bereiche sich zu einem bestimmten Grad überschneiden.


Manchmal jedoch kommt es vor, dass diese Bereiche auseinanderdriften, oder du dich in einem Randbereich befindest, der ausserhalb der Überschneidung liegt oder nichts mehr mit dir als Person zu tun hat und deshalb zu einem Ungleichgewicht der drei Bereiche führt. Dadurch fühlst du dich unerfüllt, leer oder sogar überfordert, denn die Harmonie geht verloren. Wenn das geschieht, kann dir gezielte Unterstützung von aussen helfen, wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu kommen.

In today's fast-paced business world, continuous development is crucial for long-term success. Employees play a key role in this. Therefore, I offer tailored coaching to ensure optimal support for you and your team:

Gespräch Definition (6).png

Leadership Coaching

Gespräch Definition (6).png

Employee development

Coaching, LifeCoaching, CareerCoaching, Gesichtsanalyse


Christin Jäger, coaching, application, application documents, interview, free-up, August

About me

I am a Christin, and Free-Up is my passion project through which I aim to inspire you. Not only metaphorically by supporting you to discover and walk your path in this life but also by touching you through my work.


With a completed Master's degree in Psychology, additional training as a Taoist face reader, and over 17 years of experience in human resources, I am here to accompany you on your journey and bring out the best in you

Application optimization for professional success - professional support

Ready for your journey?

I am looking forward to hearing from you via phone, WhatsApp, SMS orE-Mail

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